Support the community while we build the best online type & design education in the world.

For a long time, The League has been a place where amazing type nerds like yourself have come to learn about type — making fonts, using fonts, and leveling up your design knowledge + skills + confidence.

But it's tough to stay on top of all the changes that are constantly happening in design. And equally tough to find great tutorials, great new fonts, and freelance gigs entirely on your own.

That's where we want to help.

For now, joining The League as a Member means you'll not only get weekly updates to stay on top on everything happening in the world of type & design, but you'll get exclusive awesome extras, like:

UI Designer | Simple Focus


Hero Patterns


Clients loved this designer’s work. Turns out, he was an AI


Maragsâ (free, personal & commercial)

  • 📰 Amazing articles, tutorials, and resources in your email inbox every week with the newest news, most interesting articles, tutorials & bonuses
  • 📮 New Featured Font Finds just for you, found exclusively by our peeps hunting down the coolest fonts you might love
  • 👩‍💻 Exclusive Freelance Gigs, to help you hone your skills with paying gigs every week, reserved exclusively for us from

And in the coming weeks, we'll have a whole lot more, based on your feedback & ideas: collections of curated tutorials for special topics you want to learn, discounts with partners for tools & services, special access to upcoming books & online courses, and more.

By supporting The League, you'll be helping us on our mission to keep making amazing, free, educational resources for designers everywhere.

Frequently Asked Questions:

“If I join now, can I cancel later?”

Definitely, you can cancel anytime. It'll auto-bill your every week until want to cancel (or pause). We don't offer refunds normally, but you can always reach out and ask.

We haven't built a fancy interface for it yet, but until we do, you can just email us and say "Hey I need to pause/cancel my subscription!" and we'll hop on it immediately.

“Do I still get The Weekly Typographic if I'm not a member?”

Yup — every week we send out awesome links we've found, for free. But if you're a Member, you get extra stuff every week — fonts we've found we think you'll love, and freelance gigs + jobs to help you make some dough. ✨

“Does this really help support The League?”

Absolutely. We offer a lot for free — from the fonts to mini-courses to the Weekly Typographic, and our bills add up; your support makes a big difference.

This is our chance to make membership something that not only helps keep the lights on with donations, but gives you some really great perks & a chance to be a part of a bigger community of fellow type-lovers around the world.

Join the Membership Today

Join us today and start getting extra in your Weekly Typographic in the very next issue. Support us & lock in your contribution, even when we upgrade to add more great stuff.

  • Secure & safe encrypted payment system
  • Support open-source & the community